
Event Shortcodes

Event Calendar #

The Event Calendar Shortcode allows you to display an Event Calendar on any page that you would like.

Usage #


Below are a list of parameters that you can use to modify the output:

  • year (integer) “YYYY”. Defaults to the current year.
  • month (integer) “M”. Defaults to the current month.
  • group_id (string). Comma separated string of group ids to display.
  • campus_id (integer). The ID of the campus to display by default. Leave blank to display all campuses.
  • hide_campus (true/false). Prevent the campus dropdown from being displayed with the calendar. Defaults to false.
  • show_support (true/false). Displays “Powered by CCBPress” at the bottom of the calendar. Defaults to true.

Example #

For example, to display a calendar with only events from specific groups:

[ccbpress_event_calendar group_id="21,44,18"]

Event Details #

The Event Details Shortcode allows you to place the Event Details precisely on your page.

Usage #


Below are a list of parameters that you can use to modify the output.

  • id (integer) The ID of the event to display. Optional. Only use when you want to display a specific event on a page.

Upcoming Events #

The Upcoming Events Shortcode allows you to display the upcoming events for on group, multiple groups, or all groups on any page.

Usage #


Below are a list of parameters that you can use to modify the output.

  • date_start (string) Valid format: “YYYY-MM-DD”. Defaults to the current day.
  • date_range (string) Valid values: “today”, “1 week”, “2 weeks”, etc. Defaults to “4 weeks”.
  • filter_by (string) Valid values: “group”, “group_type”, “department”, or “campus”. Defaults to “group”. Required if using group_id, group_type, department, or campus_id parameters.
  • group_id (string) Comma separated string of group ids to display.
  • group_type (string) Double pipe (“||”) separated string of group type names to display.
  • department (string) Double pipe (“||”) separated string of department names to display.
  • campus_id (integer) The ID of the campus to display events from.
  • exclude (string) Comma separated string of event ids to exclude.
  • how_many (integer) Defaults to 5.
  • calendar_link (string) Valid values: show or hide. Defaults to hide.
  • theme (string) Valid values: text or graphical. Defaults to text.
  • template (string) The name of a template to use for displaying the events.

Example #

For example, to display 10 upcoming events for a group, using the graphical theme:

[ccbpress_upcoming_events filter_by="group_id" group_id="23" how_many=10 theme="graphical"]