The Upcoming Events Widget displays upcoming events from a specific group in Church Community Builder.
Widget Settings #
Title #
The title that you would like to be displayed above the widget. (This is optional)
Filter By #
Events can be filtered by either group, group type, or department
Display Events From #
Depending on how you are filtering, this will be dropdown of either groups, group types, or departments from Church Community Builder. You may select multiple items to create a custom list of events.
Theme Events As ___ #
You can choose either “graphical” or “plain text”. Graphical is more stylized whereas Plan Text is a bullet list.
Date Range #
You can display events from either today or weekly increments up to a year in advance.
Display Up To ___ Events #
This lets you decide how many upcoming events will be displayed.
___ Link To Event Calendar #
Allows you to show/hide a link to your Event Calendar page.